SmartUp Engineering team has developed a Java-based solid modeling geometry kernel, which enables to develop all sorts of parametric CAD modeling tools.

Embedding basic methods directly translated from CAD modeling, which allow to manipulate geometric and topological entities in a bottom-up approach, this API provides the foundations for the construction of dedicated CAD tools, implementing both model parametrization and, most importantly, construction automation. Our API is object-based and makes use of OpenCASCADE Technology, an open-source object-oriented C++ class library, which provides basic data structures and modeling algorithms on top of which the classes and the methods of our API operates. Dealing with collections of mostly low-level algorithms, our tools are usually much faster and less demanding in terms of computing power with respect to general-purpose solid modeling software supporting construction parametrization and automation. This allows for the production of several configuration of the same model in a few seconds, depending also on the complexity of the shapes to be produced. Not only aircraft..but everything that you need!